Preparing for Your Appointment

During your appointment our veterinarian will need some basic info on your pet, especially if this is your first visit. Please make sure you have information handy on:

  • The names and doses of all of your pet’s medications
  • The kind of food they eat
  • Their eating and drinking habits
  • Their toilet habits
  • Any recent travel or tick bites
  • Past medical records, including vaccine history (prior to your first visit we ask that you complete a new patient form)


  • It is always good idea to bring a urine and fecal sample for your pet. If they are experiencing urinary or fecal difficulties we will often screen these samples during your appointment. If this is a wellness visit we will discuss wellness bloodwork packages at your appointment, these packages include a urinalysis and fecal.
  • If your pet does not get along well with other animals, please let us know in advance – this helps us to better plan for your appointment!

Don’t be afraid to ask questions or take notes. That’s why we are here!

No Show, Late, and Saturday Appointment Policies

We understand that there are extenuating circumstances and that sometimes you may need to cancel or reschedule your appointment. However, when you do not call-in advance to cancel your appointment, you may be preventing another pet from getting much needed treatment.

We strive to be on time for your scheduled appointments and ask that you give us a call when you are unable to keep your appointment. As a courtesy, we provide reminder texts before your appointment. Our missed appointment policies are outlined below.

Late Arrival Policy: We make every effort to be on time for all our appointments. Unfortunately, when even one patient arrives late, it can throw off the entire schedule for that day.  If a client arrives 15 minutes or more late to their scheduled appointment, it will be rescheduled. We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause.

Cancellation of an Appointment: To be respectful of the medical needs of other patients, please be courteous and call our office promptly if you are unable to show up for an appointment. If it is necessary to cancel your scheduled appointment, we ask that you call at least 24 hours in advance. Appointments are in high demand, and your early cancellation will allow another patient access to timely veterinary care. If it is after hours, please leave this message on the voicemail – you can also text us anytime at (504) 571-5128.

Appointment No-Show / Late Cancellation Policy: A “no-show” is a client who misses an appointment without cancelling it. A failure to be present at the time of a scheduled appointment will be recorded in the patient’s chart. The first time there is a “no-show”, we will attempt to contact you by phone, text, or email to inform you of the missed appointment and remind you of our “no-show” policy. A late cancellation is considered to be any appointment cancelled less than 24 hours in advance. You will be required to pre-pay the exam fee in order to schedule another appointment.

New Patient Appointments: A non-refundable booking fee equal to the exam fee ($60.50) is required for any new patient appointments. This must be paid at the time of scheduling your appointment. The booking fee will be applied as a credit upon checkout. If you do not cancel at least 24-hours in advance or fail to show up for your appointment, this booking fee will be applied as a missed appointment fee and consistent with our no-show/late cancellation policy you will be required to pre-pay the exam fee in order to reschedule.

Saturday Appointments: Due to high demand, we require a $25 non-refundable booking fee for any Saturday appointment. This deposit must be paid at the time of scheduling your appointment. The $25 booking fee will be applied as a credit upon checkout. If you do not show up for your appointment, this deposit will be applied as a missed appointment fee and consistent with our no-show/late cancellation policy you will be required to pre-pay the exam fee in order to reschedule.

We appreciate your support and we thank you for trusting us with your pet’s health!